The Breast Talk Ever | Interviews with Entrepreneurs | Business Owners | Cancer Survivors | Health & Wellness

The Breast Talk Ever with entrepreneur Lisa Crites: The Shower Shirt

Episode Summary

In 2009 Lisa Crites, a broadcast journalist, media strategist and healthcare consultant was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a bilateral mastectomy followed by over six surgeries as a result of an infection. Lisa searched for a water-resistant garment to shield her surgical drains from bacteria-laden tap water but nothing existed on the market. After having to shower in plastic trash bags, Lisa’s entrepreneurism and investigative skill kicked in and inspired her invention– the award winning post-surgical, patented Shower Shirt. The Shower Shirt was introduced to the U.S. Market in 2011 and is currently sold in boutiques,, and all over the world to post-mastectomy and chest surgery patients who have drains, ports and catheters.

Episode Notes

In 2009 Lisa Crites, a broadcast journalist, media strategist and healthcare consultant was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a bilateral mastectomy followed by over six surgeries as a result of an infection.  Lisa searched for a water-resistant garment to shield her surgical drains from bacteria-laden tap water but nothing existed on the market.  After having to shower in plastic trash bags, Lisa’s entrepreneurism and investigative skill kicked in and inspired her invention– the award winning  post-surgical, patented Shower Shirt.  The Shower Shirt was introduced to the U.S. Market in 2011 and is currently sold in boutiques,, and all over the world to post-mastectomy and chest surgery patients who have drains, ports and catheters.